Transparency moment: As I prepared to write this blog post, I went on a hunt in my camera roll for a picture that would exude confidence. I used the cool search feature on iPhone where you can put any date in time in the bar, and it will pull your memories from that day.
I pulled December 2, 2019.
Unbeknownst to me, that was the exact day I decided to create Cultivate x Chloe.

I remember hearing the name of my company the first time it came out of my mouth… It was cosmic, to say the least—I felt “this is it” it in every fiber of my being. I rushed to my laptop, put together the quickest text video intro I could on Canva, and immediately saved it to my phone.
I was so proud.
Fast forward to today, December 1, 2024, one day shy of my five-year anniversary. One would assume that I would have accomplishments to report, growth to celebrate, and meaningful words about perseverance. The truth is, technically, I have that—but not nearly in the sense you would think.
You see, for the last five years, I’ve struggled with crippling anxiety and fear around being seen, all due to my lack of confidence. And do you know what that type of fear and anxiety does to a business’s financial health? It damn near ruins it.
Here’s How You’re Going to Overcome Any Fears or Anxiety
(So you don’t end up like me, with $0 to show for five years in business?)
After a bit of research, reflection, and trial and error, here’s what I’ve come up with:
1. Start Before You’re Ready
Confidence isn’t something you magically acquire and then start using—it’s a skill you build as you go. Waiting to feel “ready” before you start posting online, pitching clients, or showing up in your business will only lead to stagnation. The key is to take imperfect action. Post that video, pitch that client, and send that email. Each small step builds the foundation of confidence you’re looking for.
2. Reframe Your Fear of Judgment
Most of the fear around showing up online stems from worrying about what others will think. Here’s the reality: people are far more concerned with themselves than they are with you. When you embrace this truth, you’ll realize that the judgment you fear is mostly imagined. Instead of focusing on potential critics, focus on the people who need your message. They’re out there, and they’re waiting for you to show up.
3. Build a Personal Brand You’re Proud Of
A strong, aligned personal brand can act as your armor in the online space. When you know your brand reflects your values, skills, and authentic self, you’ll feel more confident putting yourself out there. This doesn’t mean you need to have a perfect logo or the trendiest color palette. It means creating something that feels like you. When your online presence matches your inner values, confidence will follow.
4. Practice Confidence as a Habit
Confidence is a muscle, and like any muscle, it strengthens with consistent practice. Show up every day, even if it’s in small ways. Practice speaking about your business, interacting with your audience, or trying new things in your content. Over time, these small acts of courage will become second nature, and your confidence will grow without you even realizing it.
5. Anchor Yourself in Your “Why”
When the fear creeps in, remember why you started. For me, it was the cosmic moment I said Cultivate x Chloe out loud. For you, it might be a desire to help others, achieve financial freedom, or prove something to yourself. Whatever it is, let your “why” ground you in moments of doubt. When you focus on the impact you’re here to create, the fear of being seen becomes secondary.
6. Celebrate Small Wins
One of the biggest confidence killers is dismissing your progress because it doesn’t feel “big enough.” But every small win deserves recognition. Did you post your first Instagram Reel? Celebrate. Did you land one new client? Celebrate. Did you just manage to show up when it felt impossible? That’s worth celebrating too. Acknowledging your growth, no matter how small, builds the momentum you need to keep going.
7. Embrace the Journey
Confidence isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. You won’t wake up one day and suddenly have it all figured out. Instead, you’ll find yourself growing little by little, one step at a time. And that’s okay. The important thing is to keep showing up, even when it’s hard, even when you’re scared, and even when it feels like no one is watching.
The truth is, confidence isn’t something that magically appears after five years of hard work or a single cosmic moment. It’s built in the trenches—through trial, error, and a lot of imperfect action.
So, if you’re like me, sitting here reflecting on what the last few years have meant for your business, let this be your reminder: you don’t have to wait five years to exude confidence. You can start today, right now.
And maybe five years from now, you’ll look back and realize that today was the day everything changed.
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